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Indie Rock Music: A Popular Music Genre Which is Here To Stay

Indie rock refers to the alternative rock music genre that sprang up in the UK in the middle or later part of the 1970s. Indie rock music is hugely diverse and has sub genres like jangle pop, lo-fi, C86 and indie pop. It is the Sex Pistols and the punk rock movement in the United Kingdom that inspired the indie genre. Many young people inspired by the punk rock movement’s DIY approach to music came forward to form bands. To cite an example, on 4th June 1976, the Sex Pistols played a gig in a small room in Manchester’s Free Trade Hall. It is considered to be the catalyst to the punk rock movement, New Wave, and the concomitant indie movement. Presently, some of the good indie bands include Dr Dog, MGMT, Tame Impala, Foster the People, Wild Nothing, Pond, pomegranates, The Black Angels, Japandroids, The Big Pink, Caveman, Mwahaha, The Enemy, We Were Promised Jetpacks, The Wild Beasts, Younger Brother, Jeff The Brotherhood, Suuns, Local Natives, Plants and Animals and Animal Collective.

As per a survey report, previously the younger population is more passionate about indie rock music. However, now, most of the music freaks, irrespective of their age and the country they live in¸ are showing interest in this musical genre. In fact, the popularity of this type of music is growing at a rapid pace every year. In fact, good indie bands are coming up to capture the indie world.

The last decade had been fantastic for the indie rock music fans. If you look back to the last decade and analyze thoroughly, you will be able to find out the good indie bands that captured the minds of the rock music lovers all throughout the decade. The folksy way of The Shins touched the heart of many people. The band only came up with three albums, but the music it produced was great. The albums presented by the Arcade Fire became hugely popular. The band received a number of awards, the 2011 Grammy for Album of the Year, the 2011 Brit Award for Best International Album, the 2011 Juno Award for Album of the Year to name a few. The Suburbs produced by the Arcade Fire attained huge commercial success.
Many diehard supporters of indie rock music believe that the Spoon has come to stay in the indie world for a long time. Singer Britt Daniel has contributed remarkably to the success of the Spoon. It is one of the good indie bands of the decade. Bright Eyes was founded by Conor Oberst has acquired immense popularity as an indie rock band. This American band has done a great business in the last decade. Apart from Oberst, the band has Nate Walcott, Mike Mogis and several other collaborators taken from the indie music scene of Omaha.

To extract more information on Indie rock, you can browse through the online blogs discussing about this type of music. There are several magazines offering news on indie music. You can go through these magazines to enrich your knowledge bank. If you want to learn this particular genre of music, you will need to visit the websites providing these musical numbers. There are many online forums that can assist you to learn the Indie rock songs.

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